Preparation bootcamp for pharmacy residency application and interviews
Pharmacy, Residency, Preparation, Post-Graduate Training, MatchAbstract
Description: A six-hour Residency Bootcamp, offered to interested students, provided review and individualised feedback on student Curriculum Vitae, letters of intent, topic presentations, case-based critical thinking skills, and interview skills. Questionnaire data were used to evaluate student perceptions. School-reported match results were used to determine the residency match rates of participants of the Bootcamp.
Evaluation: A total of 24 students participated in the Bootcamp. When asked how valuable the Residency Bootcamp was for residency preparation on a scale of 1-10 (1 = not valuable and 10 = extremely valuable), students reported an average of 9.28 for the Bootcamp. A total of 23 students participated in the match and 21 students secured match for residency (91.3%).
Conclusion: A six-hour Residency Bootcamp was perceived as valuable to students in preparing for residency applications and training. Participants in the Bootcamp had a high match rate.
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