Evaluating students' perceptions of the usefulness of podcasts


  • Annesha White University of North Texas System
  • Kendra Manigault Mercer University
  • Tuyen Nguyen Mercer University
  • Jill Augustine University of Arizona


Podcasts, Clinical Pharmacy Course, Pharmacy Research Course, Language


Objectives: To compare pharmacy students’ confidence in understanding course material before and after listening to course podcasts; (2) determine whether course content affects pharmacy students’ perceptions on podcasts’ usefulness; and (3) evaluate English First Language vs. English Second Language speakers’ attitudes on podcasts.

Methods: First and second year pharmacy students (n=314) who attended a Clinical or Research Methods course in 2012 and 2013 completed pre- and post-test surveys to assess study objectives.

Results: Students had more confidence understanding course topics after listening to the podcasts (p<0.05). Significant differences were observed in clinical vs. non-clinical courses. The majority of students across courses agreed or strongly agreed that podcasts were a useful learning tool (91.2% and 92.3% Research and Clinical course, respectively) and promoted understanding of course material (89.3% and 93.9%). There were no statistically significant differences in perceptions among English First Language and English Second Language speakers (p>0.05).

Conclusion: Podcasts are beneficial to a majority of pharmacy students, despite language barriers. 

Author Biographies

Annesha White, University of North Texas System

Assistant Dean for Assessment and Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacotherapy, College of Pharmacy

Kendra Manigault, Mercer University

Clinical Assistant Professor - College of Pharmacy

Tuyen Nguyen, Mercer University

College of Pharmacy

Jill Augustine, University of Arizona

PhD Candidate



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How to Cite

White, A., Manigault, K., Nguyen, T., & Augustine, J. (2017). Evaluating students’ perceptions of the usefulness of podcasts. Pharmacy Education, 17. Retrieved from https://pharmacyeducation.fip.org/pharmacyeducation/article/view/525



Research Article