Mentor perceptions of the value of a fourth year research project for Doctor of Pharmacy students
Capstone Project, Pharmacy Education, Student Research, Faculty Mentors, Preceptor MentorsAbstract
Chicago State University College of Pharmacy introduced the capstone project in 2011 as a requirement of the Doctor of Pharmacy degree. The objectives of this study were to assess faculty perceptions of: 1) the value of research in the students’ success in a pharmacy degree programme; 2) the students’ level of preparedness to complete the project requirements; and 3) the students’ ability to complete research projects in their future career. A 35-item survey instrument was administered to 23 capstone mentors to elicit their perceptions regarding the programme and research as it relates to a pharmacy degree. Mentors agreed it was important for students to participate in (n = 15) and demonstrate excellence (n = 11) in research activities. Respondents (n = 12) indicated that students were not adequately prepared by the didactic curriculum and that additional preparation may be necessary to conduct research independently in the future.
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