REVIEW: Use of engaging review application exercises to enhance understanding of critical concepts prior to summative examinations


  • John K. Cusick California Northstate University, California
  • Leo Fitzpatrick California Northstate University, California
  • Parto Khansari Stony Brook School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Stony Brook, New York


TBL, immunology, review exercise, music, haikus, mnemonics, posters


Two distinct and engaging review application exercises were created in an immunology class for third-year pharmacy students that utilised the Team-Based Learning (TBL) instructional method. The goal was to enhance student understanding of critical concepts prior to summative examinations through the use of exercises that promoted creativity and teamwork. For the first application exercise, student teams created innovative and informative posters describing assigned subject matter using superheroes or other known caricatures. Student teams reviewed key concepts on posters created by fellow teams using a gallery walk format and graded the posters according to provided rubrics. For the second application exercise, teams created mnemonics, songs and haikus to highlight assigned material. These creations were displayed on a poster. The review application exercises were well received by students, with many students indicating that the review exercises greatly helped them utilise their creative talents to learn the material in a way that was fun and engaging.

Author Biographies

John K. Cusick, California Northstate University, California

College of Medicine

Leo Fitzpatrick, California Northstate University, California

College of Pharmacy

Parto Khansari, Stony Brook School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Stony Brook, New York



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How to Cite

Cusick, J. K., Fitzpatrick, L., & Khansari, P. (2019). REVIEW: Use of engaging review application exercises to enhance understanding of critical concepts prior to summative examinations. Pharmacy Education, 19(1), p 232–241. Retrieved from



Research Article